Saturday, February 16, 2008

Life As It Goes On

I have been having this daily battle: do I give into my feelings of being overwhelmed and stressed, or do I fight them? And if I choose to fight them, how long can I last?

So I've been trying to focus on the great things in my life that cause me so much joy. Like spooning with my husband in the morning, and sitting in my big comfy chair to read. :)

Yesterday was a good friend's birthday and 10 of us drove up to Denver to eat at the cheesecake factory. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my camera. Bummer. But I did order some very yummy tiramisu, and Joel and I talked to Kendyll's parents the whole time, playing our "adult roles" as Joel and I like to call them. Ha! No one's fooled by us trying to pretend that we're grown up.

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